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CWL Store
Buy Local & support our CWL Store. In place of our normal November Bazaar, this year we will...
CWL Store
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Test News 1
Aliquam diam magna, volutpat nec ullamcorper vitae, feugiat eget magna. Nulla efficitur diam sem, non egestas ante maximus...
Test News 2
Aliquam diam magna, volutpat nec ullamcorper vitae, feugiat eget magna. Nulla efficitur diam sem, non egestas ante maximus...
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2300 Burnhamthorpe Rd. West
Mississauga, ON
L5L 3T6

Office/Mailing Address
2300 Burnhamthorpe Rd. West
Mississauga, ON
L5L 3T6

t:  905.820.1444

Rev. Edward Curtis

Rev. Alexander D'Silva
Associate Pastor

Deacon John Brown
Deacon Assistant

Deacon Robert Sansone

Parish Staff
Liz Rybka
Lay Pastoral Assitant

Olga Calderon
Office Administrator

Jazmin Oliveira

Daily Reading
Daily Readings
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1 Follow Daily Mass or Reflect on the Daily Readings.
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Volunteer your time, talent and treasure to the catholic community both at the parish level and our larger community. Take a look at the various opportunities to support below.
Every day activities and hectic lives makes time very valuable. Concider sharing some of your time with your community.
Consider using the gifts God gave you to contribute to his work.
Our church depends on your generosity. Any amount is welcomed.

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